swiveling wish

Today, I observed some shoes...
Too bad I felt in love with one very ordinary pair of shoes
let me show you:

YSL , it's like $60
see! Told you it's very simple..
But I love it because the shape's really charismatic.
and I think this kind of shoes are forever.

another shoes that I like:
Alexander McQueen for $62!

I think this shoes really awesome because the color's really pretty 
and the shape is street style

It's a red louboutine :))
 I really fall in love with the style and color!!

$55 Louboutin Pink :) 
Well I don't really like the pointing style
it looks old! But I adore the color and the bow at the back of the pumps

2 animal printed Louboutin - it's about $55
They look so awesome and cool, esp when we use animal printed or plain white
or even shawl 

Simple shiny black
You know what 1 thing I really love about Louboutine
it always have that red sign below the pumps :)

another shoes I adore:
Nicholas Kirkwood $98
Their shape's so unique <3 <3 <3

Another YSL!! >.<
My new star is Yves Saint Laurent!!

a $60 YSL on Dalmantian patterns

This pink shoes's another fav of mine
I love the combination of gold and strong pink
on a very cool sandal . aww. 
I saw this shoes for $65

anyway.. actually the one I adore the most is the first one
plain white pump
I thought it will works really well with black skirt and plain white shirt 
or party dresses :)
I really love the shape of new YSL's pumps
they're really pretty >.<

and I just realized..
heyy some of the branded shoes looks like forever 21's shoes
but unfortunately they don't have those white pumps :(

well that's it for today...
I hope I one day I can have those pumps, or even create my own unique
and pretty pumps <3 right??

Do you think $60 is okay for those pair of shoes??

Catherine Au Jong



  1. Anonymous7/08/2010

    tin, itu heels nya beneran 50 60 doalaran? 500 600 ribuan dong??

  2. iya
    tpi gw ga tau shipping nya brapa

  3. Anonymous7/09/2010

    ooh, beda jauh banget harganya sama jakarta gilee

  4. Anonymous7/09/2010

    oia tin, itu harga di store nya? apa dimana?

  5. di internet kok
    gak asli juga sev. :)
    gw mah ga rela beli yg ribuan dollar.

  6. Anonymous7/09/2010

    ooh, haha sama, ga rela kluarin jutaan buat 1pasang spatu doangn grr. pantes harganya beda jauh banget. gw pkir asli uda semangat aja td nyarinya hahah. bs minta linknya ga tin? hhe

  7. hahaha :)


  8. kalo asli mah
    pre-owned aja minimum 100an sevv.
    Kl gw liat aslinya 1000an dollar yang baru - hoalah
    1 biji doang mending gw beli mobil ;p

  9. Anonymous7/09/2010

    hahah sip2 thanks yaa. iya makanya stres gw liat harganya tp stres jg liat spatunya hahah

  10. haha iya sepatunya keren2.
    kl di mangdu gitu skrg kayak gitu2 ada gak sih?

  11. Anonymous7/09/2010

    iyaa, barusan gw liat jadi pengen sendiri hahah ada tin, tp ya uda tembakan aja masi 1jutaan gtu. d fb ada yg jual 950 tembakan juga. tp masi kemahalan liat harga sgtu hahah

  12. haha kan mreka dah ambil untung sevv
    tp mgkn emang custom masuk ke jakartanya mahal kali
    ksl gw juga
    klo ke US custom gw kenapa ga pernah bayar ya? Kl Indo kena mulu. bloon deh.

  13. for branded shoes, those are way cheap!!! go go go! :D great pairs!

    Animated Confessions

  14. but they are not ori thoo :(


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